Facility Emergency Plans

Under the AS3745 Planning for Emergencies in Facilities, all facilities are required to have a written Facility Emergency Plan which includes detailed procedural documents as to how to manage emergencies in the facility. These must be updated on an annual basis. We specialise in developing and reviewing these plans as per your individual facility requirements.

Evacuation Diagrams

Evacuation diagrams are vital to show fire and evacuation information to facility occupants and visitors. As per AS3745, evacuation diagrams must be visible to all occupants and visitors and display emergency evacuation paths to a safe assembly area. We can assist you in developing and installing all forms of evacuation diagrams.

WHS Risk Assessment

Safety101 can conduct onsite WHS Risk Assessments in accordance with industry and WHS standards. In addition, we can develop a training toolkit to allow your personnel to conduct dynamic risk assessments in your workplace or facility.

Fire Safety Inspections

Safety101 can conduct an inspection or audit and make recommendations that will reduce the incidence and consequence of fire emergencies in your facility.