Construction Industry Special: Site Shutdown
As many parts of Australia battle the latest COVID-19 outbreak, the announcement of the shutdown of the construction industry across metropolitan Sydney caught many off guard.
To support our clients and the sector we’ve pulled together a few simple reminders for site managers or supervisors to ensure the shutdown takes into consideration emergency management over the coming weeks.
Conduct and document a risk assessment
We recommend a template similar to this example, working from left to right:
Fire is just one example - consider security, broad safety needs, the likelihood a worker will need to come onsite for essential work over the shutdown and what could change whilst no one is physically attending the site.
2. Use your risk assessment as a checklist to pack up the site
The measures you’ve put in place should be checked and double checked before the last person leaves.
3. Consider your security needs
Take the time to fully assess the required security needed to protect your construction area during this time. This should include fitting strong locks on all doors, windows and other access points to individual buildings and also to the site as a whole.
On larger sites, you may also want to consider additional barriers to prevent trespassers gaining access, employing a security company to patrol the area around the clock or installing CCTV throughout for better visibility.
You should also check your insurance to make sure you’re fully covered if any break-ins occur and ensure warning signs are not removed from the construction area.
4. Reassess risk prior to returning to work, as conditions may have changed while you have been away
We’re hoping this part comes as soon as possible, but it’s important to remember that the physical state of the site may have changed (pits may have flooded, there may be wind blown debris etc.). This start up risk assessment is critical to ensuring safety on return to site.