Refresh your training this New Year

Start 2022 with the knowledge that your team is ready for anything.

Happy New Year! New Year resolutions are often tough to keep, but we’re here to help with one of them: promptly planning employee training for 2022.

Do my team need emergency management training?

Put simply, yes. Every facility in Australia must have emergency procedures and therefore an Emergency Control Organisation (ECO) that has been provided accredited or non-accredited training. The Work Health and Safety Regulation requires a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) to implement evacuation plans and procedures to allow persons within the facility the ability to reach a point of safety in an emergency.

State and Federal legislation clearly outlines that any business must have in place emergency plans for all facilities to the Australian Standard (AS3745), and that each plan must be updated and practised with personnel at least every 12 months. This one is non-negotiable.

What is included in emergency management training?

There’s a range of emergency management training that your team can undertake to ensure your facility is covered.

For a small business in a simple facility, this might include:

  • 1-2 Chief Wardens, with fire extinguisher, Warden and Chief Warden training (refreshed annually)

  • 5 Wardens, with fire extinguisher and Warden training (refreshed annually)

  • 2 First Aiders, with accredited First Aid training (refreshed every three years, CPR training component to be refreshed annually)

Each of these courses will take a few hours and provide your team members with the 101 on how to respond to an emergency. If you work with us, we also utilise leading VR technology for extinguisher training to ensure your team has the right experience to be competent and confident when responding to small fires. Read more about our VR tech here.

What if my facility doesn’t have up to date training?

Failing to have appropriate emergency management procedures can result in penalties of up to $30,000 and will put people and property at risk if there is an emergency. If you don’t train your people, we recommend taking action immediately.

Safety101 have a team of expert trainers for all your needs.

Reach out to discuss your training requirements today.