Practical and realistic fire extinguisher training - a game changer in fire safety
It’s as simple as putting the wet stuff on the hot stuff, right? Not quite. Having fire equipment available and the ability to use it in an emergency can be very different.
Fire extinguishers are often the first suppression equipment used to attempt to stop a fire in its early stages. They can make or break a small incident or full blown emergency.
We’re strong advocates of practical and realistic fire extinguisher training - and believe technology can take a leading role in training personnel to be fire safe in the workplace.
Here’s our tips and tricks for what to look for to get the most our of your extinguisher training:
Tip #1 - Technology is your friend
Realistic training doesn’t have to involve heavy equipment and controlled fires. At Safety-101 we have a virtual reality trainer in our tool kit - the FLAIM Extinguisher system. FLAIM Extinguisher immerses trainees in virtual reality emergency situations that can be as varied as:
A photocopier fire;
A pallet fire;
A kitchen fire;
A vehicle fire; and even
An aircraft fire.
In the moment it’s important to choose the right firefighting agent, and the FLAIM Extinguisher system allows trainees to do just that – a water extinguisher on an electrical fire will be ineffective and create a new hazard. We’ve included a link to a video showing the FLAIM Extinguisher in action at the end of this post, plus our contact details if you want to find out more.
Tip # 2 - Dynamic scenarios that are applicable to your workplace will deliver results where it counts
Talk to your trainer before your team starts. Discuss the potential hazards in your workplace, and how to build a scenario that can offer the best teaching moments for your team. If you’re not using a virtual reality tool then make sure your team watch the practical scenarios they are not participating in carefully - repetition is the key to recall and mastery.
Tip #3 - Use the P.A.S.S. method to pass the grade in extinguisher usage
Speaking of repetition - here’s one we talk about a lot. The P.A.S.S. method. Once your team has done their training, they should be experts in this, but we’re here to give you a refresher. Firstly, stand at a safe distance and use the maximum effective range for your equipment, then:
P – Pull the pin;
A – Aim at the base of the fire;
S – Squeeze the trigger; and
S – Sweep across the base of the fire.
Stay calm and call 000. Document any incidents shortly after they occur.
Training your team on these simple steps is a great way of proactively managing fire risk – if your team can operate a fire extinguisher it can be noted in your facility emergency plan and added to your risk management tool kit.
When every second counts, know how to act to protect what you value.
Contact Safety 101 today to discuss options and get your team trained up so they can effectively respond to a small emergency in your facility:
The FLAIM Extinguisher tool in action.